
Use a pull quote to highlight excerpts from the current work. This is not to be confused with blockquote which quotes from an external work. Since a pull quote is an excerpt and repeats content from the article you should use the aside element.

Default pull quote

HTML code snippet

<aside class="m-pull-quote">
    <p class="m-pull-quote_body">
      "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take - Wayne Gretzky"
        <cite class="m-pull-quote_citation">
            Michael Scott

Large pull quote

HTML code snippet

<aside class="m-pull-quote m-pull-quote__large">
    <div class="m-pull-quote_body">
        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.
        Cum corrupti tempora nam nihil qui mollitia consectetur
        corporis nemo culpa dolorum!
        <cite class="m-pull-quote_citation">
            Author Name