Featured Content Module

Featured content modules (FCMs) highlight one specific piece of content at the top of a page. Content is featured temporarily and not a permanent part of the page. Content can be a video, link, or download.


The modifiers below describe how to change how the featured content module visual is anchored. This affects what portion of the image or video is visible at different desktop breakpoints.

The featured content module visual is anchored left by default, but there are cases in which right or center anchoring is preferred. For example, video should typically be centered.

Visual anchored on the left (default)

By default, the featured content module visual is anchored on the left, so that the left side remains in view at all screen sizes.

HTML code snippet

<section class="o-featured-content-module">
    <div class="o-featured-content-module_text">
        <h2>Featured content</h2>
            Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ei ius adhuc inani iudico, labitur
            instructior ex pri. Cu pri inani constituto, cum aeque noster
            commodo cu.
        <a class="a-link
            <span class="a-link_text">Read more about the feature</span>
            {% include icons/right.svg %}
    <div class="o-featured-content-module_visual">
        <img class="o-featured-content-module_img"

Visual anchored on the right

In cases where the featured content module’s visual should be anchored to the right—for example, when displaying a map with a copyright watermark on the right—add the o-featured-content-module__right modifier class to the o-featured-content-module organism. This anchors the right side of the image to the right of the available space so that the right side remains in view at all screen sizes.

HTML code snippet

<section class="o-featured-content-module
    <div class="o-featured-content-module_text">
        <h2>Featured map</h2>
            Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ei ius adhuc inani iudico, labitur
            instructior ex pri. Cu pri inani constituto, cum aeque noster
            commodo cu.
        <a class="a-link
            <span class="a-link_text">Read more about the feature</span>
            {% include icons/right.svg %}
    <div class="o-featured-content-module_visual">
        <img class="o-featured-content-module_img"

Centered visual

When the featured content module visual is a video, or a static image composed with its subject in the middle, add the o-featured-content-module__center modifier class to the o-featured-content-module organism. This anchors the center of the image to the center of the available space so that the focal point of the visual remains in view at all screen sizes.

HTML code snippet

<section class="o-featured-content-module
    <div class="o-featured-content-module_text">
        <h2>Featured video</h2>
            Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ei ius adhuc inani iudico, labitur
            instructior ex pri. Cu pri inani constituto, cum aeque noster
            commodo cu.
        <a class="a-link
            <span class="a-link_text">Read more about the feature</span>
            {% include icons/right.svg %}
    <div class="o-featured-content-module_visual">
        <img class="o-featured-content-module_img"