
Links lead users to a different page or further information. In contrast, buttons are used to signal actions. Users should be able to identify links without relying on color or styling alone.

More information can be found at:


Header link

Generally, it is not recommended to add links in headers. Note that they are not underlined.

Header 2 containing a link

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Vestibulum orci ante, sagittis quis dolor a, fringilla dapibus nunc. Nulla in purus nisi. Curabitur vel odio et est auctor tincidunt. Et ultricies erat pellentesque nec. Suspendisse quis faucibus nec eu justo. Nulla ut massa eget dolor vehicula bibendum.

Navigation links

Navigation links are not underlined and do not get a visited link style.

Needs code snippet!